A thousand lies

This is such an interesting example of how our new production of information can go wrong:This is an interview with Christine Boutin, the French minister of housing, about the conspiracy that George W Bush is behind the attack on the WTC towers on 9/11. A small translation of the first part goes like this:

I think that it’s possible. I think that it’s possible… I think it is possible. I think it more especially as I know that the sites that speak of is problem are the sites that have the greatest numbers of visits….And so, I tell myself, I who am extremely sensitive…to the new techniques of information and communication, that this expression of the mass of the people cannot be without any truth. I’m not telling you that I adhere to that position, but let’s say that, nevertheless, I’m questioning myself a bit on this question

Some time ago I talked about the fact that due to ease of copying information of the Internet it is possible for an item of information to multiply rapidly. And a thousand lies remain a thousand lies.
This I think is an excellent example why we have to rewire the way we interpret information due to change that Internet brings us.

One Reply to “A thousand lies”

  1. Wat dacht je van de 2e Irak oorlog. Als zelfs de veiligheidsdiensten onbetrouwbare informatie geven…….
    En dan de klimaat hype. Wetenschappelijke data wordt voor waar aangenomen omdat deze wereldwijd tijdens concerten onder in beeld wordt weergegeven. En zo is er geen ruimte meer voor debat. Een nieuwe waarheid is ontstaan. Helaas.

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